My Life's Journal
wow! umo bape tuh? straight to point sungguh..hee~
Wah..Ganas sggh lelaki tersebut..Tp satu soalan tuk ko hana...Ko ni single ke??? :p.Jgn mrh aaa...
atin : umor 20 an kot. tp lg tua dr kitayuniez bucuk : ha aku single pada org tertentu je =p
hehe.. moral of the story: jgn approve friend request kalau tak betul betul kenal
hahaha stalker
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wow! umo bape tuh? straight to point sungguh..hee~
Wah..Ganas sggh lelaki tersebut..Tp satu soalan tuk ko hana...Ko ni single ke??? :p.Jgn mrh aaa...
atin : umor 20 an kot. tp lg tua dr kita
yuniez bucuk : ha aku single pada org tertentu je =p
hehe.. moral of the story: jgn approve friend request kalau tak betul betul kenal
hahaha stalker
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